BIOSANITAS > CLIP-IN Linear panels

Biosanitas clip-in linear panels for false ceilings

Inside hospitals, clinics, pharmaceutical factories, food processing companies, schools and the hotel sector there are often large common areas that require false ceilings designed with particular characteristics. There is a need to have inspectable false ceilings with horizontal compartmentation, which have a flat closure to circulate air and which can be easily removed for immediate access to the technological systems located in the upper shaft.

Our false ceiling panels with square ceiling lights type Q6060 CLIP-IN, 60×60 cm module with snap-closed joint on double hidden metal structure are the perfect solution capable of combining the specific needs of these environments with a modern and clean design.
The BIO SANITAS modular false ceiling is made of Euroclass A1 fireproof pre-painted steel and aluminum with non-porous and non-hygroscopic surfaces. These products were created not to absorb dirt and not to release micro dust into the air that is harmful to human health and the environment. The ceiling lights of the BIO SANITAS line are completely washable and sanitisable thanks to their resistance to vapours, liquids and all sanitisation interventions.

For our products we use pre-painted aluminum with the Coil Coating process which makes them particularly suitable for use in sterile environments because it creates healthy surfaces, which do not yellow and which last over time without deteriorating. In this way, lead-chrome-free false ceiling panels are obtained, capable of resisting humidity and corrosion caused by acids, gas and salt. Our products do not undergo post-painting with harmful powders, they are not sublimated and no adhesive films are applied to them.
The BIO SANITAS line of metal false ceilings guarantees maximum sanitation of high-traffic common areas. The products in this range undergo the Pro-Hygien treatment to make them antimicrobial. They are available in the color Sanitas White similar to RAL 9003 which gives brightness and allows you to quickly identify cobwebs and sediments for timely removal.

Biosanitas clip-in linear panels


Aluminum Technical Specification Guidelines

Inspectable false ceiling Type METALSCREEN BIO SANITAS Q6060 CLIP-IN with active sanitizing anti-microbial paint made with flat ceilings size mm.600×600 closed joint with chamfer and reinforcement beading anti-seismic release snap on the 4 folded sides. Smooth side edge and hooking with punching not permitted. Made of pre-painted aluminum Coil Coating Alloy 3105-h46-48 thickness mm.0.5-0.6 Incombustible Color White Sanitas similar to RAL 9003. Powder coating processes NOT permitted. Full or micro-perforated surface diagonal diameter Ø mm.2-3 anti-occlusion Total – Central mm.400×400 with full edge mm.100 with acoustic TNT non-woven sound-absorbing fabric Black back-applied (Thickness and drilling to be chosen by the Works Management). The ceilings will be snap-mounted on a hidden frame Type METALSCREEN DOUBLE STRUCTURE anti-detachment composed of: Type METALSCREEN 08 reinforced triangle profile in galvanized steel inserted without screws on Type METALSCREEN U2-STRONG primary profile in galvanized steel increased thickness 0.7 mm with longitudinal anti-torsion reinforcement suspended every 1200 mm. The ceilings are joined on the side perpendicular to the triangle profile with Type METALSCREEN 35 metal clip dust-proof-air flow union. The triangle profile is connected with Type METALSCREEN G8 union joint with perfect alignment reference. The False Ceiling system will be lowered from the existing floor using rigid rods with a diameter of Ø mm.4 and Type METALSCREEN 23/D ULTRAFLEX ultra-flexible double metal spring with anti-corrosion treatment for millimetric suspension adjustment. As indicated by the Works Management, the side finishes are made with an anti-lifting perimeter frame Type METALSCREEN C30 PUSH DOWN section C mm.20x30x20 with folded edge and panel-pressing tabs made of pre-painted white aluminum or compensation bands in coated plaster to avoid cutting and maintain a symmetrical mm.600×600 module delimited by a 24xh38 mm inverted T profile covered in white pre-painted aluminum.

Steel Technical Specification Guidelines

Inspectable false ceiling Type METALSCREEN BIO SANITAS Q6060 CLIP-IN with active sanitizing anti-microbial paint made with flat ceilings size 600×600 mm closed joint with chamfer and reinforcing creasing seismic anti-release snap on the 4 turned sides. Smooth lateral edge and hooking with punching are not permitted. Made of pre-painted galvanized steel Coil Coating thickness 0.5 mm Fireproof Color Sanitas White similar to RAL 9003. Powder painting processes are NOT permitted. Solid or micro-perforated diagonal surface diameter Ø 2-3 mm anti-occlusion Total – Central mm. 400×400 with full edge 100 mm with acoustic TNT sound-absorbing non-woven fabric black applied (thickness and perforation chosen by the works management). The ceiling lights will be snap-mounted on a hidden frame. Type METALSCREEN DOUBLE anti-detachment STRUCTURE composed of: Type METALSCREEN 08 reinforced triangular profile in galvanized steel inserted without screws on Type METALSCREEN U2-STRONG primary profile in galvanized steel increased thickness 0.7 mm with longitudinal anti-torsion reinforcement
suspended every 1200 mm. The ceilings are joined on the side perpendicular to the triangle profile with Type METALSCREEN 35 metal clip, dustproof sealing union. Air flow. The triangle profile is connected with a METALSCREEN G8 type union joint with perfect alignment reference. The false ceiling system will be lowered from the existing floor using rigid rods with a diameter of Ø 4 mm and type METALSCREEN 23/D ULTRAFLEX ultra-flexible double metal spring with anti-corrosion treatment for millimetric suspension adjustment. Upon indication of the Works Management, the side finishes are made with an anti-lifting perimeter frame type METALSCREEN C30 PUSH DOWN section C mm.20x30x20 with folded edge and panel-holding tabs made of white pre-painted steel or compensation bands in coated plaster to avoid cutting and maintain a symmetrical 600×600 mm module delimited by a 24xh38 mm inverted T profile exposed in white pre-painted aluminium.

Trattamenti speciali delle superfici


Strutture Ospedaliere, Ambulatori Studi Medici, Laboratori Farmaceutici Lavorazioni Alimentari, Mense Scuole, Cucine Ristoranti, Banchi Vendita Prodotti Alimentari

Metalscreen realizza nella linea BIO SANITAS tutti i Controsoffitti in Alluminio ed Acciaio idonei per specifico utilizzo nelle infrastrutture della Sanità pubblica, strutture ospedaliere, reparti chirurgia, neonatologia, terapia intensiva, ambulatori studi medici, laboratori analisi.
E’ vivamente consigliato il suo impiego in luoghi di alta affluenza ove non previsti frequenti trattamenti igienizzanti e di sanificazione specifica: asili, scuole, uffici pubblici, banche, centri commerciali, spazi ricreativi, mense, cucine, ristoranti, lavorazioni filiera alimentare, laboratori farmaceutici.

Nel ciclo di verniciatura in continuo Coil Coating vengono applicate particolari vernici con trattamento biologico Igienizzante Pro-Hygien che conferiscono alle superfici dei controsoffitti, specifiche proprietà attive inibitorie anti-microbiche e sul retro viene verniciato uno speciale primer protettivo anti-statico resistente all’umidità.

NO post-verniciature a polveri dannose, NO processi di sublimazioneNO pvc pellicole adesive.

I reagenti chimici del trattamento biologico igienizzante Pro-Hygien nella particolare verniciatura BIO SANITAS proteggono la superficie dei controsoffitti, inibiscono il proliferare delle colonie dei comuni batteri e contribuiscono al loro abbattimento.
Test in accordo alla norma ISO 22196:2007 condotti presso laboratori specializzati, hanno dimostrato tempestiva ed efficace azione di riduzione entro le 24h di oltre 99,99% di colonie dei seguenti batteri: Staphiloccous Aures, Escheritichia Coli O1257, Legionella Pneuophila, Salmonella Enteritidia, Pseudominas aeruginosa, Enterobacter Aerogenes, Enterococcus Faecalis.

La nuovissima linea di prodotti BIO SANITAS è la massima garanzia igienizzante con superficie perfettamente liscia omogenea, NON porosa, NON igroscopica, NON assorbono sporco NON rilasciano nocive micro-polveri volatili nell’aria dannose alla salute come fibre minerali, lane di vetro, lane di roccia. Sono perfettamente lavabili con totale resistenza ai vapori, liquidi e tutti gli interventi di frequente sanificazione igienizzante.

adatto per utilizzo in ambienti interni è disponibile nei Controsoffitti Metalscreen di ogni tipologia: Pannelli, doghe, grigliati carabottino, doghe autoportanti per corridoi realizzati in alluminio ed acciaio preverniciato Colore Bianco Sanitas.
Il Bianco Sanitas simil RAL 9003 è una tonalità di Bianco Day-Lighting molto luminoso che oltre conferire ampiezza agli ambienti permette immediata individuazione delle particelle volatili sospese ragnatele e sedimenti, consentendone la pronta rimozione.
E’ sconsigliato impiego colore Bianco RAL 9010 con tonalità giallognolo paglierino.
Disponibile a richiesta verniciatura BIO SANITAS neutro trasparente per applicazioni su alluminio colorato.

L’alluminio preverniciato con procedimento Coil Coating è particolarmente suggerito in tutti gli ambienti per le sue indiscusse caratteristiche di prodotto sano con durata eterna, imputrescibile, non ingiallisce, 100% resistente all’umidità e corrosione acidi, gas, salsedine, senza cromo-piombo, presenza di contenuto riciclato 90%

TRATTAMENTO 2 sgrassaggi + passivazione esente cromo

Caratteristiche tecniche

Spessore 20-27 EN 13523-1 (ECCA T1)
Brillantezza Bianco - White 23 +- 5
Trasparente – Neutre 50 +- 7
EN 13523-2 (ECCA T2)
Durezza matita F EN 13523-4 (ECCA T4)
Adesione su impatto 100% EN 13523-5 (ECCA T5)
Adesione su imbutitura 100% EN 13523-6 (ECCA T6)
TB aderenza a 25°C 0T – 1T * EN 13523-7 (ECCA T7)
TB fessurazione a 25° C 2T – 2T * EN 13523-7 (ECCA T7)
MEK >100 EN 13523-11 (ECCA T11)

*In funzione delle caratteristiche del supporto
VERNICE UTILIZZATA: conforme alla direttiva ROHS

Day-Lighting colore Bianco RAL 9003
20 Gloss opaco su controsoffitti metallici

Colore Bianco RAL 9003-20 Gloss opaco ha la capacità di riprodurre l’effetto della luce naturale, garantisce comfort visivo in tutte le applicazioni su postazione di lavoro con riflessione della luce fino all’87%.
Lo studio calibrato del Day Lighting costituisce indispensabile supporto per ottenere risparmio energetico al 16% se luce indiretta per la riduzione dei carichi termici e ottimazione dell’apporto di luce diurna.

Colore Bianco RAL 9003-20 Gloss opaco è denominato Bianco Sanitas, approvato e vivamente suggerito dalle ASL Unità Sanitarie Locali.
Bianco Sanitas simil RAL 9003 è una tonalità di Bianco effetto Day-Lighting molto luminoso che oltre a conferire ampiezza agli ambienti permette immediata individuazione delle particelle volatili sospese ragnatele e sedimenti, consentendone la pronta rimozione.
E’ sconsigliato impiego colore Bianco RAL 9010 con tonalità giallognolo paglierino.


Linear panels and open cell grids false ceilings

Steel tiles false ceilings

Hidden structure for tiles false ceilings

Tight panels without gasket for false ceilings

Sealed tiles for White Room for data recovery
